American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Investigating English Reading Comprehension Problems of Cambodian High School Students
Doung Dara

The objective of this paper is to investigate English reading comprehension problems of Cambodian high school students through mixed methods with 223 students ( excluded the 12th graders) and 6 English teachers from the two high schools in Kep province as the direct responders. This study used questionnaire and interview as instruments for data collection while factor analysis and qualitative description as tools for data analysis and interpretation. The finding illustrated that lack of language knowledge and motivation were mostly carried out English reading problems while student personality, learning methods and teacher personalities were the shadow behind the issues even though the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport had integrated this subject into the state curriculums for lower secondary to tertiary educations since 1993. To take more actions for challenges, investigation of this issue at lower secondary school, additional root causes including family issues, English study time, learning and teaching materials, and library accesses were recommended for future research.

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