American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

The Internalization of R.A Kartini’s Heroism Values in Social Science Learning to the Students of Junior High School
Yohana Karolina Wolly, Sariyatun, Sunardi

This research aims to describe the internalization process of RA Kartini's heroism values in social science learning to the students of Junior High School with the aspects which includes (1) the teachers' understanding of RA Kartini's heroism values and (2) the identifying of internalization process of RA Kartini's heroism values in social science learning to students. This research used a qualitative technique with case-study strategies. The research result showed that RA Kartini's heroism values are understood as the value that needs to be inherited to young generation especially female teenagers such as a high fighting spirit in fighting for women. RA Kartini's heroism values are understood well by teachers so that it can ease the teachers in transferring the values to students through learning. Second, the internalization process is basically the implanting process of RA Kartini's heroism values so that it can develop the students' qualities and personality development by understanding, appreciating, and implementing RA Kartini's heroism values such as defense of the truth, discipline, hard work, independent, homeland loving, persistence, responsible, sacrifice, respect, and care.

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