The Strategies to Increase the Nationalism of Senior High School Students through the Historical Inquiry-Based Module
Mela Mita Septiana, Akhmad Arif Musadad, Nunuk Suryani
This study aims to describe the strategies and the effectiveness of the historical inquiry-based module to improve
the nationalism of High School students. The efforts to improve the nationalism of high school students are done
to minimize the low nationalism of High School students due to the influence of globalization. This study uses a
combination research method of qualitative and quantitative that is sequential explanatory mixed method design.
The results showed that the historical inquiry-based module is able to enhance material understanding and
investigate the issues carefully and in structured. The problems that are arranged in the modules are
contemporary related to the low nationalism due to globalization effects in the students’ environment. While the
material on the module is local history material. Students' understanding towards the material and the ability to
associate the contemporary global problems can increase nationalism. Based on the statistical data analysis of
inquiry-based modules are effective for increasing nationalism.
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