American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Work Place Health Management as a Diversity-Management-Tool
Csilla Czeglédi, Matthias Reich, Jürgen Fonger

Innovative Management approaches have been largely explored in the scientific discussion during the recent years. The Diversity Management is an example for these innovative approaches and is recognised to be a functioning, promising Management tool to improve the outcome and the competitiveness of companies. However, there is quite a lack of research results to validate the theoretical assumptions. Additionally, the framework for an effective and efficient human resource management becomes more and more crucial for companies since the framework, e.g. shortages at the labour markets, is likely to provide strong competition. In this connection the Workplace Health Management also provides possible solutions e.g. by health maintenance of the existing employees of the company. This survey shows the positive impacts of the actions of the Workplace Health Management on the cooperation of employees within a workgroup and between different workgroups. By this, it could support the Diversity Management activities in a company.

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