American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

The Professor’s Office as a Source of Non-Verbal Communication to Students
Dwane H. Dean, Joseph B. Gilmore, Connie J. Groer, Sharon L. Robinson

This study explores the premise that the collection and arrangement of objects in a professor’s office signals personality and teaching characteristics of the occupant to students. Findings suggest that the Myers-Briggs personality dimensions of judging/perceiving and sensing/intuitive are well communicated through viewing an office environment while thinking/feeling is poorly communicated. Professors believed to be extroverts are perceived as teaching classes that are more fun and less strictly graded. Faculty perceived as having a judging lifestyle are viewed as more likely to be well prepared for class, more likely to return exams and assignments in a timely manner, but less fun in class. Student inferences (expectations) of teaching behavior from viewing a professor’s office might influence subsequent interaction with the teacher and evaluation of instruction.

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