American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Business Psychology: Building an Interdisciplinary Bridge from the Ground Up
Raymond L. Forbes Jr., Brenda Jones, Kristan Jones

This paper describes the building of an innovative multi-disciplinary, outcomes-based, master’s degree program that integrates the fields of Business and Psychology. Historically, Business and Psychology have ranked among the top five majors chosen by undergraduate students. The program is theory-to-practice oriented and teaches the traditional disciplines of business including: economics, finance, marketing, human resources, strategy, and management from a human perspective. The Business Psychology program primarily emphasizes qualitative versus quantitative-oriented teaching methods. Students of the program analyze individual, group, and organizational level business issues through the application of both traditional and new brain-based tools. Individual and professional developments are also hallmarks of the 14 month program. Additionally, the program incorporates some of the latest findings in neuroscience as they relate to the individual business disciplines. The paper will be presented from three viewpoints; those of the developer and program chair, a participating student, and an adjunct professor teaching in the program. Beginning with a rationale for program development, the paper will proceed through research into potential competitive programs, considerations in the initial design of courses, inclusion of imbedded assessment, the selection of teaching faculty, a description of the internal and external steps that led to its approval by state and regional accrediting bodies, problems in initial delivery, and the program’s incorporation into the sponsoring university’s learning management system. Current status as well as initial student and faculty reactions will be presented along with complicating factors relating to its delivery in both face-to-face and online formats. The paper will conclude with lessons learned from this point in its early history.

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