The Dynamics of Employee Voice: Evidence from Nigeria
Christine A. Nwuche (Ph.D), Joseph E.O. Oshi (Ph.D)
Employee voice and its presumed relevance in achieving improved organizational performance has become a recurring rhetoric in the employment relationship. This study explored the existence and functioning of employee voice schemes in organisations in South-South Nigeria. Survey data from 307 respondents from across five economic sectors were used. The data were analyzed using mainly descriptive statistics and the two hypotheses were tested using Spearman Rank order correlation coefficient. Results indicated the existence of a variety of employee voice schemes; that managers support the schemes and there was employees perception of say in how work is organized. However, based on the results, the study concludes that managers seem to commit to voice schemes that do not diminish their managerial prerogative. It also concluded that the meaning of “say” for both managers and employees appears to lie closer to a lower order voice category, wherein there is mere exchange of information rather than real involvement of employees in the making of workplace decisions. We recommend that considering the acclaimed relevance of employee voice, with respect to organisational performance, employers should wholeheartedly embrace employee voice systems and consciously encourage active involvement of employees, particularly those competent, knowledgeable and interested, in making decisions at work.
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