American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Conference Trends: Content Analysis of Education in-Service Sessions
Mark Kiehn, Pao Lor, Mary Gichobi

An examination of current trends in conference programming reflects the recent changes in education that have transformed instruction and learning. The 239 sessions of the Twenty-third International Conference on Learning were categorized in this study according to categorical purpose: educational, round table, general, business meeting, and social/reception sessions. Data were classified according to 10 subject areas including administration, research, instruction, diversity, inclusion, and advocacy sessions. Data revealed both changing and several new trends. The largest proportionate subject areas were teaching instruction (36%) and research presentation sessions (25%); followed by instructional technology (11%), teacher preparation (9%), and administration sessions (8%) within educational, general, and round table session categories. The largest proportion of sessions by focus within the subject area was pedagogy (53%), followed by sessions involving teaching post-secondary level students, and assessment of student learning. A sizeable proportion of sessions (8%) comprised the “other topics” content, and these new trends were STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), creative thinking, and social intelligence session themes. Inclusion and special education comprised 4% of all sessions, which is consistent with reports from the literature.

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