The Main Factors Responsible for Self-Injury among Adolescents
Jackson de Carvalho, PhD; Darron Garner, PhD
This study focuses on the main factors responsible for self-injurious behaviors and examines its association to dissociative phenomena. Self-injury has been conceptualized from a functional perspective and defined in this study as the behavior of purposefully inflicting superficial to moderate damage to the body without suicidal intent. Dissociation is a natural defense mechanism that can help protect ourselves from unbearable painful emotional and or psychological experience. Self-injury is subsequently utilized as a coping skill to regulate internal emotions, while decreasing pain and discomfort. Motivations can range from a form of self-punishment, to the release of negative feelings, stress management, the expression of anger, an increased sense of mastery or control, and management of dissociative processes. Thus, the purpose of educating ourselves on self-injurious behaviors is to become aware and confident in our ability to handle such a complex phenomenon.
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