School Mapping and School System Planning for Economic Efficiency in a Developing Economy
Obasi, Kenneth K., Ph.D
The thrust of this discourse was the challenges of economic rationality of school mapping to the planning of the education system especially in the period of economic quagmire. Firstly, it was viewed from the wider perspective of educational planning of which school mapping is a critical strategic part. Educational planning is a deliberate and systemic rational process of determining the goals and objectives and the relevant programmes for the growth and development of a society’s education system. It is for the purpose of making the system more effective and efficient in addressing the needs and goals of the individual and the society at large. School mapping, as an integral part of the process entails the determination and rationalization of educational institutions of all types and levels. The fundamental reasons for school mapping are to guarantee access to education and to ensure an efficient school network and facilities utilization. Both reasons directly and indirectly promote economic rationality. One critical ingredient for school mapping is quality statistical data. School mapping is therefore a conscious systematic rational process of ensuring economic rationality and efficiency in the siting and rationalization of educational facilities. It is therefore recommended among others that the necessary legal provisions be made on the siting of new school and the rationalization of the existing ones. More professionals in mapping should be trained and the necessary equipment should be adequately provided.
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