American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Synthesis Model on the Implementation of Public Policy in National Community Empowerment Program in Makassar and Parepare, South Sulawesi
Suratman, Muh. Akmal Ibrahim, Ali Fauzy Ely

PNPM Mandiri Urban is a government program that substantially seeks poverty alleviation, but it has not been effective yet. This research’s aims (in the third year of the implementation of synthesis or integrated model according to Winter) are: inter-organizational behavior, street level bureaucratic behavior, and target group behavior. Design used in this research is qualitative design with case study strategy. The data is collected through observation, thorough interview, FGD, and documentation. The output is in the form of scientific journal or international journal and textbook. The data analysis is conducted using case descriptive analysis and its setting, qualitative experiment, or analysis based on theoretical analysis. The research result and discussion show that both organization and the street level bureaucratic behavior follow the guidance from the head, except for target group, especially a very good response from the community to PNPM Mandiri Urban program. Even, the community gets involved, and no one of them disagreeing or obstructing the program implementation, either in Parepare or Makassar.

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