American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Assessing the Impact of Moodle LMS for Teaching Scientific English at Khartoum University on Home Science Students` Attitudes towards Learning English Language
Dr. Ameera Musa Ali, Dr. Alajab Mohammed Alajab

The present study aimed at investigating attitudes of home science students at Khartoum University toward using the MOODLE Learning Management System as electronic resource in teaching English for Science. English for Science is an 8 hour university required curriculum taught to all university science students. A group of 39 students registered for their first university required courses in the second semester of the university year 2012/2013 in the Faculty of Education were asked to assess their skills and attitudes, before using Moodle as an open source learning management system, internet- based resources in learning English for Scientific & Academic Purposes and after 14 weeks experience. The results show that participants have positive towards using technology for learning English language ; moreover the teaching methodology which integrates face-to-face teaching and Moodle Environments have positive impacts on changing participants` attitudes towards using technology for teaching English at Khartoum University. The study concluded that using and integrating virtual learning environments will accelerate the educational process and enhance better affective learning outcomes.

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