Building a Political Capital Market Law in Providing Legal Protection Based on Justice for Investor
Sudiyana, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, SH., M.Hum, Dr. M. Hudi Asrori S. SH., M. Hum
The purpose of this study was to determine why the legal protection of the public shareholders is not optimal and
to find a political model of capital market law which provides legal protection to shareholders. The research
method is juridical normative where the data collection techniques is by studying the literature and using the
method of deductive reasoning. Conclusions require two kinds of legal protection; they are 1) the internal
structure of the capital market in Indonesia by strengthening the investment benefit guarantees, guaranteed
increase of equity capital ownership and strengthening the security of investments; 2) external legal protection by
involving the Institute Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration development.
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