Bullying at the Fire Station? Perceptions Based on Gender, Race and Sexual Orientation
Dr. John C. Griffith, Dr. Donna L. Roberts, Dr. Ronald T. Wakeham
Discrimination and strained co-worker relationships based on gender, race or sexual orientation are forms of
bullying in the workplace. This research examined firefighter perceptions with regard to bullying. The web based
survey was distributed through the National Fire Academy Training, Resources and Data Exchange Network,
(TRADENET). Findings from 113 surveys indicated that most firefighters did not perceive bullying issues were
pervasive in the fire service. However, there were large differences in perception between female and male
firefighters. Significantly more female firefighters indicated they were treated differently due to gender, felt their
supervisors did not address complaints concerning gender or sexual orientation, had ill-fitting uniforms or
equipment, and believed promotions were not decided upon fairly. Recommendations included continuing to
assess female and minority perceptions with regard to perceived discrimination. Additionally, fire service
leadership should identify best practices in leadership and firefighter training to effectively address fair treatment
for all firefighters.
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