“Kebhinekaan” Based Learning History to Increase Awareness of Democracy on the Younger Generation
Until now, Indonesia societies are still in a crisis. Deterioration of human values among teenagers becomes a
social problem that cannot be solved. Disintegration, due to a dispute between ethnic and inter-religious riots
that accompanied the emergence. All that threatened a sense of nationality and does not respect the plurality of
the community, as typical of the nation of Indonesia. Development efforts in order to create a culture of peace,
respect for human rights and also guarantee social ties. As stated by Furnivall that plural societies of Southeast
Asia, especially Indonesia will fall into anarchy action if it failed to find an adequate formula pluralist federation.
One strategy that can be done is to develop a learning model that is able to develop intelligence spiritual and
national values, so that the younger generation is not fragmented in culture and religion are mutually
contradictory, and break the unity of the nation. Education has a contribution wider in provide solutions conflict
resolution because it can build systematically awareness of the importance of social harmony. School is the place
of strengthening the base of knowledge and experience of life to appreciate the diversity of students. School as a
means to pass on culture can be used to instill the values of diversity, plurality and multicultural. Diversity-based
learning history is one of the strategies to increase democratic awareness of learners in constructing to
Indonesian whom “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. This learning will develop social skills such as sincerity, empathy, and
tolerance and awareness of democracy without losing its identity.
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