The Correlation between Interfamilial Influencing Factors and the Behavior of Preschool Child
Dr. Gabriela Iorgulescu
In the familial group, parents exercise, directly or indirectly, major influences on children. This educational
function is one of the most important, because the parents are those who offer educational models intended to
form the worldview and life, and also the attitude towards social norms and behavior in relationships with others.
Due to the fact that in the first years of life (“the seven years from home”) sets the foundations of the personality,
it is necessary that parents provide models based on the psycho-pedagogical principle clearly outlined. The
educational strategies used by parents are diverse. They consider that they are always well intentioned and they
are convinced that the effects will be positive, but not always the influences exercised are those expected, and
there are cases when the real result of the educational ways have negative consequences on the process of
training and personality components. The educational family environment (positive or negative) may have
repercussions on their school performance. The study was carried out on 100 preschoolers, aged between 5 years
and 7 years, and had as purpose the observation of the family environment and its influence in the formation of
structuring factor of the child's personality.
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