The Ricoeurian Way: Towards A Critical Hermeneutics for the Human and Social Sciences
Vinicio Busacchi
Focusing on Paul Ricoeur’s philosophical methodology as practised in his mature speculative work, it is possible
to profile a hermeneutical procedural model: that of a critical hermeneutics, methodologically and
epistemologically structured, for the most part by following the theory of the arc herméneutique. Ricoeur’s
reinterpretation of Freudian psychoanalysis offers one of the first theoretical and disciplinary bases for this
theory and his practice of philosophy offers in itself the model of a philosophy exercised as a practical theory and
as a human and social science. Indeed, Ricoeur’s critical hermeneutics is at once a philosophy, a philosophical
approach, and a methodological model for the human and social sciences, which works to coordinate explanation
and understanding under the rule of interpretation.
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