American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Teaching the “Black Death” in Social Studies Courses
James R. Moore

This paper will create an original application of the C3 Framework using the 1346-1353 Black Death in Europe to demonstrate how students can create an inquiry project requiring research, reading, writing, and technology to produce a curriculum unit plan that could be implemented in secondary social studies courses. The College, Career, and Civic Life Framework (C3 Framework) for Social Studies State Standards was created to foster student’s intellectual capacity to apply social science research methods—developing compelling questions, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, evaluating empirical evidence, and drawing conclusions— in order to take informed actions as citizens in a pluralistic democracy and highly complex and interdependent global economy. It is vital that students possess the knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in college, careers, and civic life; this requires research and thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving skills that can lead to changes in our policies and behaviors.

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