The General’s Daughter: Ana Zapata, Mexican Suffragist, and Agent of Social Change
Alejandra Montes-de-Oca-O’Reilly
Many historians have written extensively about Emiliano Zapata, one of the best-known generals of the Mexican
Revolution and one of the most significant figures in Mexico’s history. However, there are no scholarly works that
elaborate on his daughter, Ana Zapata, as someone who strove for the official recognition of Mexican women’s
citizenship. In spite of cultural and gender stereotypes, Ana Zapata actively participated in Mexican politics
throughout her life. Even though Ana Zapata maintained good relationships with the ruling party politicians, at a
young age she became seriously engaged in at least two struggles that were not synchronized with that party’s
agenda: the women’s suffrage movement and a presidential campaign for an opposing candidate. She was the
most prominent suffragist in the State of Morelos (Mexico).This work shows how the social and symbolic capital
that Ana Zapata learned to accrue since she was young strengthened her agency. She made alliances with other
suffragists and with the ruling party politicians. Yet she used her symbolic and social capital to benefit people in
her community.
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