American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Do Job Rotation and Role Stress Affect Job Attitudes? A Study from Egyptian Context
Wageeh A. Nafei

The purpose of this study was to investigate how Job Rotation (JR) and Role Stress (RS) affect the Job Attitudes (JA) of employees at the Egyptian commercial banks. JR is a job design approach widely used by many organizations at various hierarchical levels. By adopting the human structure of the organization with technical processes, JR is the consequence of effort and determination. JR is the most important approach of human capital development policies which has the potential to improve Job Satisfaction (JS) and increase capabilities in employees. Stress is a concept that has received increased attention during the last decade, showing that it plays an important role in understanding the quality and stability of relationships. Evidence suggests that stress is a threat to satisfaction and its longevity. There have been plenty of studies on JA, none was addressed to integrate the relational model of JR, RS, and JA among employees. The findings reveal that JR could have an effect on JS and OC. Also, RS among employees exercises negative influences on JS and OC.As a practical strategy, the bank could promote the benefits of JR to both individuals and the banks. The findings suggest that reduction of role ambiguity in RS has the best effect on enhancing employees' Organizational Commitment (OC). The ultimate goal is to increase employees' JS and encourage them to stay in their career. This would avoid the vicious circle of high turnover, which is wasteful of the organization's valuable human resources.

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